
Hello! It is a pleasure to share this blog with my students in Cañada Rosal High School. I hope it will improve your English.
Bye. Antonio

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

A story by Gloria Losada

 Last summer my friends and I went to London by plane. In London we visited a museum. It was fantastic! Then we saw The London Eye. It is very very big. After that we went to the restaurant. I drank a coke and I ate some fish and chips because I was hungry. We went  to our hotel next to the river. In the hotel there was a party. In the party there were many peoples.My friends and I danced all night. My friend Laura forgot her coat in the party. She was very sad.
Finally we came back to our room because we were very tired. We had a very good time! We love London!

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