
Hello! It is a pleasure to share this blog with my students in Cañada Rosal High School. I hope it will improve your English.
Bye. Antonio

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

Talking about the past.

                                                            Britney´s Party
Hello friend,
Last Saturday I was at Britney´s party. It was wonderful. There were lots of girls and boys. I met some friends there.
The music was cool. It was Britney´s birthday and I gave her a present: a brooch.There were many types of drinks. I drank some coke and ate some sandwiches. We danced until very late and finally we swam in Britney´s pool. We played games and sang beautiful songs.
I strongly enjoyed the party.About twelve o´clock I got back home. My mother was looking for her brooch and I went quickly to bed.

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