
Hello! It is a pleasure to share this blog with my students in Cañada Rosal High School. I hope it will improve your English.
Bye. Antonio

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Last summer

Two years ago I was in Ireland: "the emerald isle". It was wonderful. It rained sometimes but we enjoyed the weather.Ireland has one of the most beautiful landscapes of the world.We visited the capital: Dublin, and we ate in its famous pubs; but the food in Ireland is not very good: they eat potatoes in each meal.I like potatoes but not at breakfast. We visited the places that James Joyce, who wrote " Ulysses", described in his famous book. 
We also travelled to Northern Ireland. They speak a very difficult English. There we met some students from Cañada.They had a great time in Ireland and learned English.
I hope you will travel abroad on your holiday.

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